You may have heard of the most recent trend circulating: Lucky Girl Syndrome. It sounds like a condition you actually want to catch, right? But what is this syndrome? It all started when women everywhere began posting that suddenly everything started going right in their lives when they started believing they were lucky. Essentially, Lucky Girl Syndrome is just a rebranding of manifestation; a term you may be more familiar with. The idea that if you tell the universe just how fortunate you are, it will reward you with that fortune. But does this actually work? Let's explore the psychology behind this...
Naturally, as humans our brains are more weighed towards negativity. It's a primal thing apparently, so anything we can do to boost positivity is going to be beneficial. As Mel Robbins says:
"Our mindset is like a pair of sunglasses; it’s how we see the world. And how we see the world is going to have a big impact on how we behave and therefore the actions we take."
This is a brilliant way of looking at manifestation; if you believe that you will achieve your desired outcome, you are more likely to take proactive steps to move yourself in that direction. If you believe that you will achieve your goals, you are more likely to have a positive attitude towards getting there. People who practice manifestation use both visualisation and positive, powerful affirmations that align with their goals. For example, if you were going for a job interview, you may picture yourself accepting the position while regularly saying the following affirmations:
"I am confident. I am powerful. I am successful. This job is mine."
Is there any science behind this? There actually is! The way in which manifestation or 'Lucky Girl Syndrome' is practised actually changes the way your brain functions through a process called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to form and reorganise synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experiences. Put simply, we can train our brain's to adapt. By visualising what you want to achieve and repeating positive and powerful affirmations, you can train your brain to drown out the negativity and instead focus on achieving your desired outcome. This regular practise raises your self-awareness, encouraging you to analyse your behaviour and choices and ensure they are aligned to your objectives. It focuses your attention on your goals and it encourages you to deliberately make choices and act in a way that moves you towards success.
That is how Lucky Girl Syndrome works. Girls who believe they are lucky are manifesting positive outcomes through ultimately reprogramming their brain to encourage them to behave in ways that make them lucky.
While manifestation is certainly a powerful tool, it is your actions and determination that will ultimately get you to where you want to be. You mustn't become too reliant on your mindset to do all the work - while your mindset plays a key role, it's a team effort!